Demonstration circuit DC2343A is a complete system levelsolution for a nano power buck-boost DC/DC with integratedcoulomb counter. The DC2343A contains a PIC16F1459embedded processor for communication to the PC overUSB and the LTC®3335 via its I2C port. The GUI is capable of reading and writing all the control registers on the LTC3335as well as displaying and resetting all its alarm registers.The firmware and software for the embedded system andthe GUI are available at the LTC3335 solutions page. TheDC2343A uses two analog-to-digital converter channelsto sample the battery and output voltages. The voltagesamples improve the functionality of the GUI, and allowoptimal software correction to the measured coulombs.By adding the software correction the first order knownerrors are compensated for over the operating range andthe resultant coulomb count is accurate to within 3%.The DC2343A contains an LTC3335 which is a high efficiency, low quiescent current (680nA) buck-boost DC/DCconverter with an integrated precision coulomb counterwhich monitors accumulated battery discharge in long lifebattery powered applications. The buck-boost can operatedown to 1.8V on its input and provides eight pin selectableoutput voltages with up to 50mA of output current. Thecoulomb counter stores the accumulated battery dischargein an internal register accessible via an I2C interface.The LTC3335 features a programmable discharge alarmthreshold. When the threshold is reached, an interrupt isgenerated at the IRQ pin. To accommodate a wide rangeof battery types and sizes, the peak input current can beselected from as low as 5mA to as high as 250mA andthe full-scale coulomb counter has a range from 1.1mAh(with 5mA IPEAK) to 1793Ah (with 250mA IPEAK).