IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (96)

Analog Devices LTC3350 | Demoboard DC1937B

DC1937B - LTC3350EUHF Demo Board | High Current Supercapacitor Backup Controller and System Monitor, up to 20Vin


TopologyBoost Converter
Input voltage10.8-20 V
Output 120 V
IC revisionA


Demonstration circuit 1937B is a supercapacitor charger and backup controller with supercapacitor health and system monitoring; featuring the LTC®3350. The LTC3350 has a buck supercapacitor charger, backup boost controller and an input ideal diode to disconnect the input supply in backup mode. An output ideal diode allows the supercapacitors to supply the output when VCAP is above the set backup voltage. As the capacitor stack voltage drops down to the set output voltage, the LTC3350 will operate as a boost regulator to supply the output until the energy in the supercapacitors are depleted.