IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LTC3586-1

High Effi ciency USB Power Manager with Boost, Buck-Boost and Dual Bucks


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage4.5-5.5 V
Switching frequency1800-2700 kHz
IC revisionB


The LTC®3586/LTC3586-1 are highly integrated power management and battery charger ICs for Li-Ion/Polymer battery applications. They include a high efficiency current limited switching PowerPath manager with automaticload prioritization, battery charger, ideal diode, and four synchronous switching regulators (two bucks, one buckboost and one boost). Designed specifically for USB applications, the LTC3586/LTC3586-1’s switching powermanager automatically limits input current to a maximum of either 100mA or 500mA for USB applications or 1A for adapter-powered applications.Unlike linear chargers, the LTC3586/LTC3586-1 switching architecture transmits nearly all of the power available from the USB port to the load with minimal loss and heat which eases thermal constraints in small places. The two buck regulators can provide up to 400mA each, the buck-boostcan deliver 1A, and the boost delivers at least 800mA.The LTC3586/LTC3586-1 are available in a low profile (0.75mm) 38-pin 4mm × 6mm QFN package.



  • High Efficiency Switching PowerPathTM Controller with Bat-TrackTM Adaptive Output Control and “Instant-On” Operation
  • Programmable USB or Wall Current Limit (100mA/500mA/1A)
  • Full Featured Li-Ion/Polymer Battery Charger with Float Voltage of 4.1V (LTC3586-1) or 4.2V (LTC3586) with 1.5A Maximum Charge Current
  • Internal 180mΩ Ideal Diode Plus External Ideal Diode Controller Powers Load in Battery Mode
  • <30μA No-Load Quiescent Current when Powered from BAT
  • Dual High Efficiency Buck DC/DCs (400mA IOUT)
  • High Efficiency Buck-Boost DC/DC (1A IOUT)
  • High Efficiency Boost DC/DC (800mA IOUT)
  • Compact (4mm × 6mm × 0.75mm) 38-Pin QFN Package

Typical applications

  • HDD-Based MP3 Players
  • Other USB-Based Handheld Products
  • PDAs
  • PMPs
  • GPS


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8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-TPC SMT Tiny Power Inductor 3.3 1.95 1.8 80 SMT
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