IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (98)

Analog Devices LTC3636 | Demoboard DC2335A

LTC3636EUFD Dual 6A, 20V Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage3.1-20 V
Switching frequency500-4000 kHz
Output 13.3 V / 6 A
IC revision1


Demonstration circuit DC2335A is a dual output regulatorconsisting of two constant-frequency step-down converters,based on the LTC®3636 monolithic dual channelsynchronous buck regulator. The DC2335A has an inputvoltage range of 3.1V to 20V, with each regulator capableof delivering up to 6A of output current. The DC2335Acan operate in either Burst Mode® operation or forcedcontinuous mode. In shutdown, the DC2335A can runoff of 13µA typical total input current at 12V input. TheDC2335A is a very efficient circuit: up to 92% for 3.3Voutput at 6A load, 5V input. The DC2335A uses the 28-Pin QFN package LTC3636EUFD, which has exposed pads onthe bottom side of the IC for better thermal performance.These features, plus a programmable operating frequencyrange from 500kHz to 4MHz (2MHz switching frequencywith the RT pin connected to INTVCC), make the DC2335Ademo board an ideal circuit for use in industrial or distributedpower applications.


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6 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 3 Single Pin Header Straight 2 Bag
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