IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LTC3649

60V, 4A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator with Rail-to-Rail Programmable Output


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage12 V
Switching frequency920-1080 kHz
Output 15 V / 8 A
IC revisionA


The LTC®3649 is a high efficiency 60V, 4A synchronous monolithic step-down regulator. The regulator features a single resistor programmable output voltage, internal compensation and high efficiencies over a wide VOUT range.

The step-down regulator operates from an input voltage range of 3.1V to 60V and provides an adjustable rail-to-rail output range from (VIN – 0.5V) to ground while delivering up to 4A of output current. The switching frequency is also adjusted with an external resistor. A user-selectable mode input is provided to allow the user to trade off ripple noise for efficiency at light loads; Burst Mode operation provides the highest efficiency at light loads, while forced continuous mode provides low output ripple. The MODE/ SYNC pin can also be used to allow the user to synchronize the switching frequency to an external clock.

The LTC3649 operates with a peak current mode architecture that allows for fast transient response with inherent cycle-to-cycle current limit protection. It also features programmable output current limit, current monitoring and input voltage regulation.


  • Wide VIN Range: 3.1V to 60V
  • Wide VOUT Range: 0V to (VIN – 0.5V)
  • Single Resistor VOUT Programming
  • Integrated 110mΩ Top N-Channel/50mΩ Bottom N-Channel MOSFETs
  • 95% Efficiency with 12VIN and 5VOUT
  • Regulated IQ: 440μA, Shutdown IQ: 15μA
  • Accurate Current Monitoring (±4%) without Sense Resistor
  • Accurate Resistor Programmable Frequency (300kHz to 3MHz) with ±50% Frequency Sync Range
  • Accurate Programmable Output Current
  • Input Voltage Regulation for MPPT Applications
  • ±0.8% Output Voltage Accuracy
  • Peak Current Mode Operation
  • Programmable Wire Drop Compensation
  • Burst Mode® Operation, Forced Continuous Mode
  • Internal Compensation and Programmable Soft-Start
  • Overtemperature Protection
  • Available in Thermally Enhanced 28-Lead (4mm × 5mm) QFN and TSSOP Packages


  • Refer page num 14 for more inductor values.

Typical applications

  • Industrial Applications
  • Automotive Applications


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
Material Samples

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-HCI SMT Flat Wire High Current Inductor 3.3 16.6 5 15 5.9 54 Superflux
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
Material Samples