IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (98)

Analog Devices LTC3676 | Demoboard DC1976A-A

LTC3676EUJ Demo Board | PMIC for Application Processors: 4 Bucks, 4 LDOs, I2C Control (req DC2026)


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage2.7-5.5 V
Output 13.66 V / 1.5 A
Output 21.53 V / 2.5 A
Output 31.53 V / 1.5 A
Output 41.66 V / 2.5 A
IC revisionA


Demonstration circuit 1976A-A is a multioutput power supply with a pushbutton controller and I2C, featuring the LTC®3676EUJ. The LTC3676EUJ has four synchronous buck regulators, an always-on LDO and three LDOregulators. The input voltage range of the LTC3676EUJ is ideal for single-cell Li-Ion/Polymer battery applications. The switching regulator settings, such as enables, feedback voltages, operating modes and other functions, canbe controlled via I2C. All of the regulators, except the always-on LDO1, can also be enabled via external enable pins. After the first regulator is enabled, the remaining enable pins use a precision threshold to allow hardwiredpower-up sequences. All the regulators, except LDO1, can also be enabled via the I2C. The LTC3676EUJ has three status registers, PGSTATL,PGSTATR and IRQSTAT, that can be used to determine the current state of the device. The three status registers, which can be read via I2C, indicate which regulators are in regulation and if a UV or OT event occurred. The command registers, which are used to control the switching regulators and program the special functions, can also be read back via I2C to assurethe correct data was received.

Refer to the LTC3676EUJ data sheet for more details on the electrical and timing specifications and for an explanation of the different device options.


Order Code Data­sheet Downloads Status Product seriesH
Operation Force (Value)
Electrical Life
Actuator ColorVaporphase process Samples
5 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WS-TASV SMT Tact Switch 6.0x3.8 mm 2.5 260 30000 White not specified
Order Code Data­sheet
Order Code Data­sheet Downloads Status Product seriesH
Operation Force (Value)
Electrical Life
Actuator ColorVaporphase process Samples