IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LTC7840

2-Phase Dual Output Nonsynchronous Boost Controller with Hiccup Mode


TopologySEPIC Buck-Boost Topology
Input voltage9 V
Switching frequency50-425 kHz
Output 112 V / 2 A
Output 248 V / 1 A


The LTC®7840 is a dual phase dual output, constant fre¬quency current mode, nonsynchronous boost controller that drives N-channel power MOSFETs. The nonsynchro¬nous topology makes the output voltage dependent on the choice of external components. A wide 5.5V to 60V input supply range can accommodate high input voltage surges. The LTC7840 can be config¬ured as a dual phase single output or dual output control¬ler. It can be also configured for the SEPIC and flyback topologies. The switching frequency is programmed by the voltage on the FREQ pin or synchronized to an external clock. The LTC7840 features a precise 1.2V internal refer¬ence. It has two RUN pins and two power good output indicators. The LTC7840 has an internal 10V LDO with undervoltage lockout protection for its on-chip gate driver. The maxi¬mum duty cycle and blanking time can be programmed by the voltage on DMAX and BLANK pins, respectively. The hiccup mode protects the system in the event of faults. The LTC7840 is available in a 28-lead thermally enhanced TSSOP package (FE28) or a 28-lead QFN package (UFD28).


  • Wide VIN Range: 5.5V to 60V
  • Configurable for Dual Phase Single/Dual Output Operation
  • Peak Current Mode Control with Smooth Quadratic Slope Compensation and Dynamic Slope Recovery
  • Adjustable Max Duty Cycle
  • Adjustable Min On-Time
  • Hiccup Mode for Overcurrent Protection
  • Adjustable Current Sense Limit
  • Output Overvoltage Protection
  • Programmable and Phase-Lockable Operating Frequency (from 50kHz to 425kHz)
  • Adjustable Soft-Start Current Ramping
  • ±1% Internal Voltage Reference
  • Internal 10V LDO Regulator for Gate Driver
  • Two RUN Pins and Dual Power Good Monitors
  • Flexible Topology for Boost, SEPIC and Flyback

Typical applications

  • Automotive System, Telecom System and Industrial


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL1
IR 2
RDC1 typ
RDC2 typ
RDC1 max
RDC2 max
Type Samples
8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-DD SMT Shielded Coupled Inductor 6.8 6.8 3.2 3.2 8 0.027 0.027 0.035 0.035 18 Crossed
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL1
IR 2
RDC1 typ
RDC2 typ
RDC1 max
RDC2 max
Type Samples