Demonstration circuit 2830A features the LTM®4636EY, a 40A high efficiency, switch mode step-down μModule® regulator which is controlled by the LTC®7106EDDB, a precision, bidirectional, 7-Bit current DAC with PMBus interface. The LTC7106 is used to adjust the output voltage of the LTM4636 by way of the PMBus. The LTM4636’s input voltage range is from 4.7V to 15V and the output voltage range is from 0.6V to 3.3V. De-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, frequency and thermal conditions. The LTC7106 requires an input voltage from 2.5V to 5.5V and on DC2830A it’s powered directly from the DC1613A dongle. The LTC7106 provides three ranges of IDAC output current: Nominal Range (–64μA to 63μA), Range High (–256μA to 252μA) and Range Low (–16μA to 15.75μA). The nominal range is optimized with the highest accuracy.