IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (99)

Analog Devices MAX15303AA00+CM

6A Digital PoL DC-DC Converter with InTune Automatic Compensation


TopologyBuck Converter
IC revision01


The MAX15303 is a full-featured, flexible, efficient, 6Adigital point-of-load (PoL) controller with integratedswitching MOSFETs. It contains advanced powermanagementand telemetry features. Unlike PID-baseddigital power regulators, the device uses Maxim’spatented InTune™ automatically compensated, statespacecontrol algorithm. The InTune control law is valid forboth the small- and large-signal response and accountsfor duty-cycle saturation effects. These capabilitiesresult in fast loop transient response and reduce thenumber of output capacitors compared to competing digitalcontrollers.
