IC manufacturers Infineon Technologies

IC manufacturers (98)

Infineon Technologies ICL8082G

LED Driver ICs


TopologyPower Factor Correction
Input voltage230 V
IC revision2.0


The ICL8001G / ICLS8082G employs a quasi-resonant (QR) operation mode and, due to the availability ofoutstanding PFC performance, is optimized for off-line LED lighting applications such as dimmable LED bulbs forincandescent lamp replacement, LED downlights and LED tubes in a power range from typically 5 W to 50 W.Precise PWM generation enables primary control for phase cut dimming and potential for high power factors ofPF > 99 %. Depending on the power class, significantly improved driver efficiency of up to 91 % is feasible. Theproduct has a wide operation range of IC voltage supply and low power consumption. Multiple safety functionsensure full system protection in failure situations. With its full feature set and simple application, the ICL8001G /ICLS8082G represents an outstanding choice for QR flyback designs combining feature set and performance ata minimum BOM cost.


  • Features of ICL8001G / ICLS8082G control
    • High, stable efficiency over a wide operating range
    • Optimized for trailing and leading-edge dimmers
    • Precise PWM for primary PFC and dimming control
    • HV power cell for VCC precharging with a constant current
    • Built-in digital soft start
    • Foldback correction and cycle-by-cycle peak current limitation
    • VCC over/undervoltage lockout
    • Auto restart mode for short circuit protection
    • Adjustable latch-off mode for output overvoltage protection (OVP)


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Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. Flyback Transformer WE-FB
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