The NB7VPQ701M is a 1.8 V single channel re−driver forUSB 3.1 applications that supports both 5 and 10 Gbps datarates. Signal integrity degrades from PCB traces,transmission cables, and inter−symbol interference (ISI).The NB7VPQ701M compensates for these losses byengaging varying levels of equalization at the input receiver.The output transmitter circuitry provides user selectablede−emphasis and output amplitude settings to create the besteye openings for the outgoing data signals. The flexibility ofthis part allows it to fit into many system applications.The NB7VPQ701M features an intelligent LFPS circuit.This circuit senses the low frequency signals andautomatically disables driver de−emphasis for full USB 3.1compliances.After power up, the NB7VPQ701M periodically checksboth of the TX output pairs for a SuperSpeed USB receiver.When the receiver is detected, the RX termination becomesenabled and the NB7VPQ701M is set to perform there−drive function.The NB7VPQ701M comes in a small 1.6 x 1.6 mmUQFN−12 package and is specified to operate across theentire industrial temperature range, –40°C to 85°C.This manual should be used in conjunction with the devicedatasheet which contains full technical details on the devicespecifications and operation.