IC manufacturers Silicon Laboratory Inc.

IC manufacturers (98)

Silicon Laboratory Inc. EFR32BG13P632F512GM48 | Demoboard BRD4104A

EFR32BG13 BRD4104A 2.4 GHz 10 dBm Radio Board


TopologyOther Topology
IC revisionA0


The BRD4104A Blue Gecko Radio Board enables developers to develop Bluetooth® lowenergy and proprietary wireless wireless applications. The board contains a 2.4 GHzBlue Gecko Wireless System on Chip and it optimized for operating at 10 dBm outputpower. Radiated and conducted testing is supported with the on-board printed antennaand UFL connector.The BRD4104A Blue Gecko Radio Board plugs into the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard,which is provided with the Blue Gecko Starter Kit and gives access to display, buttonsand additional features from Expansion Boards. With the supporting Simplicity Studiosuite of tools, developers can take advantage of graphical wireless application development;BGScript for Python-like scripting; and visual energy profiling and optimization.The board also serves as an RF reference design for applications targeting 2.4 GHzwireless operation with 10 dBm output power.


  • Wireless SoC:EFR32BG13P632F512GM48
  • CPU core: ARM Cortex®-M4 with FPU
  • Flash memory: 512 kB
  • RAM: 64 kB
  • Operation frequency: 2.4 GHz
  • Transmit power: 10 dBm
  • Integrated PCB antenna, UFL connector(optional).
  • Crystals for LFXO and HFXO: 32.768 kHz


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesZ @ 100 MHz
Test Condition ZmaxIR 2
RDC max.
Type Samples
10 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-CBF SMT EMI Suppression Ferrite Bead 1000 1350 140 MHz 650 0.6 Wide Band
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesZ @ 100 MHz
Test Condition ZmaxIR 2
RDC max.
Type Samples