IC manufacturers STMicroelectronics

IC manufacturers (97)

STMicroelectronics ST7540 | Demoboard STEVAL-IHP005V1

General purpose ST7540 power line modem module based on ST7540 PLM and STM32 microcontroller


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This document explains how to use and setup the firmware and the software designed for the STEVAL-IHP005V1 board and all the necessary setup for using the hardware.The application firmware uses the ST7540 power line modem firmware stack driverdescribed in the UM1573: “ST7540 power line modem firmware stack”, and is organized in a layer structure. A dedicated layer allows the user to design his own application interfacing to the module features with very simple and easy to use APIs. A dedicated software graphicaluser interface (GUI) allows the user to use all the embedded features interfacing the PLM module with the PC via an RS232 communication port.This firmware is developed using STM32F10x Standard Peripherals Library Rel.3.5.0 and IAR Embedded Workbench® IDE for STM32 microcontrollers Rel. 6.3The STEVAL-IHP005V1 hardware module embeds an ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 core-based STM32F103xB and a FSK power line transceiver ST7540.


  • Motor Development Kit (MDK)
  • Compatible with the Universal Controller Board (UCB) FPGA/ARM
  • Fully compatible with Xilinx® development tools for Zynq®-7000
  • Strata Enabled
  • Downloadable V/f and FOC control use cases for the UCB
  • 850W Intelligent Power Module (IPM) three-phase motor driver
  • VIN: 230 Vac,rms ± 15% (single-phase)
  • IOUT: Irms 10 ARMS per phase
  • Compatible with three-phase motors: PMSM, BLDC or ACIM
  • DIP/6 IPM NFAQ1060L36T, three-phase/10A with integrated gate drivers
  • Cross-conduction, overcurrent and thermal protection embedded in DIPS6 module
  • Plug-in connector interface for MCU cards (Arduino DUE footprint)
  • Voltage/frequency control strategy implemented
  • NCS2250SN2T3G: Push Pull Output Comparator implemented in ITRIP protection system
  • Use case pre-loaded and Strata enabled available for a quick-start evaluation
  • Xilinx® development tools and environments are available for the MDK, such as Vitis and Vivado to program the FPGA

Typical applications

  • White Goods (Washing Machines)
  • Industrial Fans, Industrial Automatio, Industrial Motor Control


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