IC manufacturers STMicroelectronics

IC manufacturers (97)

STMicroelectronics ST7580 | Demoboard EVALKITST7580-1

ST7580 power line networking system-on-chip demonstration kit


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IC revision1


Built around the ST7580 power line networkingsystem-on-chip, this demonstration kit embeds allthe functions required for a “turnkey” power linecommunication network: the PLC node based onthe ST7580, the AC power supply (based on theALTAIR4-900 chip) and the STM32microcontroller, to either control the system as astandalone application or to connect theEVALKITST7580-1 to an external host.The typical application environment consists oftwo or more EVALKITST7580-1s connected to thesame mains line, each being controlled by a PCrunning the ST7580 GUI software.


  • Suitable for point-to-multipoint 2-way powerline communication (PLC) over AC mains
  • Flexible 2-board architecture:– EVALST7580-1, PLC board based on theST7580 narrow-band FSK/PSK power linenetworking system-on-chip– EVLALTAIR900-M1, wide-range inputvoltage, 7.5 W power supply board basedon the ALTAIR04-900 quasi-resonantcurrent-mode SMPS controller
  • STM32 microcontroller hosted on theEVALST7580-1 board to handle the ST7580device and build a standalone power line node
  • External access through several interfacetypes: USB, SPI, I2C, USART, JTAG
  • Opportunity to save and load data to/from anexternal μ-SD card
  • Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) for theWindows® environment with fullyprogrammable transceiver parameters
  • Suitable for CENELEC EN50065 and FCC part15 compliant applications
