IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (97)

Texas Instruments LM5023/TPS5402 | Demoboard PMP4408.1

Offline AC/DC 120W Multi-Output Flyback Power Supply Reference Design


TopologyFlyback Converter
Input voltage176-264 V
Output 15 V / 1.5 A
Output 215 V / 0.8 A
Output 324 V / 0.6 A
Output 442 V / 2 A
IC revisionA


The PMP4408 is a universal AC input, 120W flyback converter reference design. The LM5023 Quasi Resonant Flyback converter was chosen to get 2 high-efficiency isolated outputs. Additionally a downstream Buck converter, the TPS5402 enables 2 high-efficiency non-isolated outputs. The QR Flyback design implements Valley switching for high-efficiency and full protection features such as output short circuit and output overvoltage.


  • Good cross regulation
  • Valley switching for high efficiency
  • Output OVP, OCP and Short Circuit Protection
  • Input brown-out
  • Average efficiency is high
  • Size 92mm(L) x 95mm(W) x 30mm(H)


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4 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. Flyback Transformer
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