IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments LM5165 | Demoboard TIDA01415

3V-65V, 150mA Synchronous Buck Converter With Ultra-Low IQ


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage3-65 V
Output 15 V / 3.3 A
IC revisionE1


The LM5165 device is a compact, easy-to-use, 3-V to 65-V, ultra-low IQ synchronous buck converter with high efficiency over wide input voltage and load current ranges. With integrated high-side and low-side power MOSFETs, up to 150-mA of output current can be delivered at fixed output voltages of 3.3 V or 5 V or at an adjustable output. The converter is designed to simplify implementation while providing options to optimize the performance for the target application. Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) mode is selected for optimal light-load efficiency or Constant On-Time (COT) control for nearly constant operating frequency. Both control schemes do not require loop compensation while providing excellent line and load transient response and short PWM on-time for large step-down conversion ratios.The high-side P-channel MOSFET can operate at 100% duty cycle for lowest dropout voltage and does not require a bootstrap capacitor for gate drive. Also, the current limit setpoint is adjustable to optimize inductor selection for a particular output current requirement. Selectable and adjustable start-up timing options include minimum delay (no soft start), internally fixed (900 µs), and externally programmable soft start using a capacitor. An open-drain PGOOD indicator can be used for sequencing, fault reporting, and output voltage monitoring. The LM5165 buck converter is available in a 10-pin, 3-mm × 3-mm, thermally-enhanced VSON-10 package with 0.5-mm pin pitch.


  • Wide input voltage range of 3 V to 65 V
  • 10.5-µA no-load quiescent current
  • –40°C to 150°C junction temperature range
  • Fixed (3.3 V and 5 V) or adjustable output voltages
  • Meets EN55022 / CISPR 22 EMI standards
  • Integrated 2-Ω PMOS buck switch
  • Supports 100% duty cycle for low dropout
  • Integrated 1-Ω NMOS synchronous rectifier
  • Eliminates external rectifier diode
  • Programmable current limit setpoint (four levels)
  • Selectable PFM or COT mode operation
  • 1.223-V ±1% internal voltage reference
  • 900-µs internal or programmable soft start
  • Active slew rate control for low EMI
  • Diode emulation mode and pulse skipping for ultra-high light-load efficiency performance
  • Monotonic start-up into prebiased output
  • No loop compensation or bootstrap components
  • Precision enable and input UVLO with hysteresis
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with the LM5166
  • Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis
  • 10-pin, 3-mm × 3-mm VSON package
  • Use TPSM265R1 module for faster time to market

Typical applications

  • Residential lighting, Stage lighting
  • LED power supply


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8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-TPC SMT Tiny Power Inductor 15 1.38 1.15 20 SMT
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