IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments TPS23751

IEEE 802.3at PoE Interface and Green-mode DC/DC Controller


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage0-57 V
Switching frequency226-276 kHz
Output 15 V / 4.5 A
IC revisionC


The TPS23751 is a 16-pin integrated circuit that combines a Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) powered device (PD) interface and a current-mode DC-DC controller optimized specifically for applications requiring high efficiency over a wide load range.

The PoE interface implements type-2 hardware classification per IEEE 802.3at. It also includes an auxiliary power detect (APD) input and a disable function (DEN). A 0.5 Ω, 100 V pass MOSFET minimizes heat dissipation and maximizes power utilization.

The DC-DC controller features internal soft-start, a bootstrap startup current source, current-mode control with slope compensation, blanking, and current limiting. Efficiency is enhanced at light loads by disabling synchronous rectification and entering variable frequency operation (VFO).

The TPS23752 is a 20-pin extended version of the TPS23751 with the addition of a Sleep Mode feature. Sleep Mode disables the converter to minimize power consumption while still generating the Maintain Power Signature (MPS) required by IEEE802.3at.


  • IEEE 802.3at Classification with Status Flag
  • High Efficiency Solutions over Wide Load Range
  • Powers up to 25.5 W PDs
  • Robust 100 V, 0.5 Ω Hotswap MOSFET
  • Synchronous Rectifier Disable Signal
  • PowerPAD TSSOP Packages
  • Complete PoE Interface Plus DC-DC Controller
  • Adapter ORing Support
  • Programmable Frequency
  • TPS23752 Supports Ultra-Low Power Sleep Modes

–40°C to 125°C Junction

  • Temperature RangeREMARK:-L1=3.3uH used

Typical applications

  • Pico-Base Stations
  • IEEE 802.3at-Compliant Devices
  • Video and VoIP Telephones
  • Multiband Access Points
  • Security Cameras
