IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments TPS25830-Q1 | Demoboard TPS25830Q1EVM-040

USB Type-C™ and SDP/CDP charge port converter with short to BATT protection and cable compensation


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage6-36 V
Switching frequency400-2200 kHz
Output 15 V / 3.5 A


The TPS2583x-Q1 is a USB Type-C and BC1.2 charging port controller that includes a synchronous DC/DC converter. With cable droop compensation, the VBUS voltage remains constant regardless of load current, ensuring connected portable devices are charged at optimal current and voltage.The TPS2583x-Q1 also integrates short-to-battery protection on VBUS, CC1, CC2, DM_IN and DP_IN pins. These pins can withstand voltage up to 18 V.The TPS25830-Q1 includes high bandwidth analog switches for DP and DM pass-through, while the TPS25831-Q1 includes a thermistor input pin and thermal warning flag for user programmable thermal overload protection


  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for automotive applications:
  • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C, TA
  • HBM ESD classification level H2
  • CDM ESD classification level C5
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Synchronous buck DC/DC regulator
  • Input voltage range: 4.5 V to 36 V
  • Output current: 3.5 A
  • 5.1-V output voltage with ±1% accuracy
  • Current mode control
  • Adjustable frequency: 300 kHz to 2.2 MHz
  • Frequency synchronization to external clock
  • FPWM with spread-spectrum dithering
  • Internal compensation for ease of use
  • Compliant to USB-IF standards
  • USB Type-C Rev 1.3
  • CC logic, VCONN source and discharge
  • USB cable polarity detection (POL)
  • CDP/SDP mode per USB BC1.2
  • Automatic DCP modes (TPS25831-Q1 only)
  • DCP shorted mode and YD/T 1591-2009
  • 2.7-V divider 3 mode
  • 1.2-V mode
  • Optimized for USB power andcommunication
  • User-programmable USB current limit
  • Cable droop compensation up to 1.5 V
  • High bandwidth data switches on DP and DM (TPS25830-Q1 only)
  • NTC input for intelligent thermal management (TPS25831-Q1 only)
  • Integrated protection
  • VBUS Short-to-VBAT protection
  • DP_IN and DM_IN Short-to-VBAT and VBUS
  • CC1 and CC2 Short-to-VBAT protection
  • DP_IN, DM_IN, CCx IEC 61000-4-2 rated
  • ±-8kV contact and ±15-kV air discharge
  • Fault flag reports
  • 32-pin QFN package with wettable flank

Typical applications

  • infotainment, USB media hubs USB charger ports


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesλDom typ.
Emitting ColorλPeak typ.
IV typ.
VF typ.
Chip Technology50% typ.
(V (DC))
SizeOperating TemperatureDF
RISOCeramic TypeL
RDC typ.
RDC max.
MountApplicationInterface TypeIR
Working Voltage
(V (AC))
Pins (Value)RowsH
PackagingColor Samples
25 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 470 Blue 465 145 3.2 InGaN 140 0603 -40 °C up to +85 °C 1.6 0.8 SMT 0.7 Tape and Reel
25 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 525 Green 515 430 3.2 InGaN 140 0603 -40 °C up to +85 °C 1.6 0.8 SMT 0.7 Tape and Reel
25 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 625 Red 630 250 2 AlInGaP 140 0603 -40 °C up to +85 °C 1.6 0.8 SMT 0.7 Tape and Reel
8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-XHMI SMT Power Inductor 8080 -40 °C up to +125 °C 8.8 8.3 10 8.5 13.5 19 20.9 17 SMT 2 7.8 5.8
8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WCAP-CSGP MLCCs 16 V(DC)2.2 µF ±20% 16 0603 -55 °C up to +85 °C 100.05 GΩ X5R Class II 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.8 7" Tape & Reel
3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WR-PHD 2.54 mm Multi-Jumper Jumper with Test Point -40 °C up to +125 °C1000 MΩ 2.44 3 250 1 Jumper 3 Bag Blue
6 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WR-COM USB 3.1 Type C Receptacle Horizontal THR / SMT -40 °C up to +105 °C1000 MΩ THR USB 3.1 Type C 20 24 1.9 Receptacle Horizontal 5 Tape and Reel
6 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WR-PHD 2.54 mm THT Pin Header -40 °C up to +105 °C1000 MΩ 7.62 THT 250 3 Single Pin Header Straight 3 Bag
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesλDom typ.
Emitting ColorλPeak typ.
IV typ.
VF typ.
Chip Technology50% typ.
(V (DC))
SizeOperating TemperatureDF
RISOCeramic TypeL
RDC typ.
RDC max.
MountApplicationInterface TypeIR
Working Voltage
(V (AC))
Pins (Value)RowsH
PackagingColor Samples