IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LTC3863

60V Low IQ Inverting DC/DC Controller


TopologyPositive to Negative Converter
Input voltage3.5-28 V
Switching frequency50-850 kHz
Output 1-0.4 V / 0.2 A
IC revisionA


The LTC®3863 is a robust, inverting DC/DC PMOS controller optimized for automotive and industrial applications. It drives a P-channel power MOSFET to generate a negative output and requires just a single inductor to complete the circuit. Output voltages from –0.4V to –150V are typicallyachievable with higher voltages possible, only limited by external components.The LTC3863 offers excellent light load efficiency, drawing only 70μA quiescent current in a user programmable Burst Mode operation. Its peak current mode, constant frequency PWM architecture provides for good control of switching frequency and output current limit. The switchingfrequency can be programmed from 50kHz to 850kHz with an external resistor and can be synchronized to an external clock from 75kHz to 750kHz.The LTC3863 offers programmable soft-start or output tracking. Safety features include overvoltage, overcurrent and short-circuit protection including frequency foldback.The LTC3863 is available in thermally enhanced 12-lead MSOP and 3mm × 4mm DFN packages.


  • Wide Operating VIN Range: 3.5V to 60V
  • Wide Negative VOUT Range: –0.4V to Beyond –150V
  • Low Operating IQ = 70µA
  • Strong High Voltage MOSFET Gate Driver
  • Constant Frequency Current Mode Architecture
  • Verified FMEA for Adjacent Pin Open/Short
  • Selectable High Efficiency Burst Mode® Operation or Pulse-Skipping Mode at Light Loads
  • Programmable Fixed Frequency: 50kHz to 850kHz
  • Phase-Lockable Frequency: 75kHz to 750kHz
  • Accurate Current Limit
  • Programmable Soft-Start or Voltage Tracking
  • Internal Soft-Start Guarantees Smooth Start-Up
  • Low Shutdown IQ = 7µA
  • Available in Small 12-Lead Thermally Enhanced MSOP and DFN Packages

Typical applications

  • Automotive Power Supplies
  • Distributed Power Systems
  • Telecom Power Supplies
  • Industrial Power Supplies


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8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-PD SMT Power Inductor 15 2.8 2.2 81 19.5 7345 Robust
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
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