IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (99)

Analog Devices MAX20303 | Demoboard MAX78FTHR

MAX78000FTHR Evaluates: MAX78000 Application Platform


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage5 V
Output 10.51 A


The MAX78000FTHR is a rapid development platform to help engineers quickly implement ultra low-power, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions using the MAX78000 Arm® Cortex®-M4F processor with an integrated Convolutional Neural Network accelerator. The board also includes the MAX20303 PMIC for battery and power management. The form factor is 0.9in x 2.6in dual-row header footprint that is compatible with Adafruit Feather Wing peripheral expansion boards. The board includes a variety of peripherals, such as a CMOS VGA image sensor, digital microphone, low-power stereo audio CODEC, 1MB QSPI SRAM, micro SD card connector, RGB indicator LED, and pushbutton. The MAX78000FTHR provides a power optimized flexible platform for quick proof-of-concepts and early software development to enhance time to market.


  • Dual Core: Arm Cortex-M4 Processor with FPU, 100MHz, RISC-V Coprocessor, 60MHz
  • 512KB Flash Memory
  • 128KB SRAM
  • 16KB Cache
  • Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator
  • 12-Bit Parallel Camera Interface
  • MAX20303 Wearable PMIC with Fuel Gauge
  • Charge from USB
  • On-Board DAPLink Debug and Programming Interface for Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU
  • Breadboard Compatible Headers
  • Micro USB Connector
  • Micro SD Card Connector

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PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN, a modification of the component will be implemented soon. Please find the PCN below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

8 files WE-LHMI SMT Power Inductor 2.2 4.05 4.45 8.4 61 49 SMT
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN, a modification of the component will be implemented soon. Please find the PCN below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Product seriesL
RDC max.
Mount Samples