IC manufacturers Microchip

IC manufacturers (97)

Microchip ATA5795

Key Fob Design Based on Atmel ATA5795


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This application note introduces Atmel® ATA5795 as a building block to design a key fob with an integrated transponder and RKE functionality for the automotive industry.


  • Integrated key fob solution integrating MCU and a passive transponder functionality using Fc = 125kHz for immobilizer applications via a contactless LF interface and an RF transmitter functionality with programmable Fc = 300MHz to 433MHz for RKE applications
  • Transponder includes immobilizer SW stack supporting the immobilizer authentication protocol programmed at the factory
  • Open source immobilizer SW stack Is based on flexible communication protocol.
  • The protocol is configurable using transponder configuration memory
  • Immobilizer command set supports various classes of commands such as start authentication, read UID, read/write user memory, learn secret key1/2, and read transponder error status
  • Integrated high speed AES-128 hardware crypto module
  • Atmel ATA5795 includes segmented program and user data nonvolatile memories with protection locks
  • Ultra low power consumption enables passive transponder functionality at low coupling factors (k < 0.8% typ.)
  • Integrated RF transmitter module with selectable Fc using fractional PLL in ISM bands (315/430MHz)
  • Configurable radiated power output pout at up to +12.5dBm
  • Integrated flash-based Atmel ATmega 8-bit MCU includes ultra low-power design with many dedicated data communication and mixed-signal peripherals. Includes on-chip internal oscillators at 4MHz and 125kHz with RTC

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Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
Tol. LTest Condition LQmin.
Test Condition QRDC max.
10 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-KI HC SMT High Current Wire Wound Ceramic Inductor 27 ±2% 250 MHz 35 250 MHz 0.2 780 2800
10 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-KI HC SMT High Current Wire Wound Ceramic Inductor 47 ±2% 200 MHz 38 250 MHz 0.24 680 2300
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
Tol. LTest Condition LQmin.
Test Condition QRDC max.