IC manufacturers Silicon Laboratory Inc.

IC manufacturers (97)

Silicon Laboratory Inc. BMA280 | Demoboard BRD8006A

Blue Gecko Kit Add-on Board


TopologyOther Topology
IC revisionA00


BRD8006A is an add-on board that can be connected to the WSTK Mainboard expansionHeader of The Wireless Starter Kit for BGM111.The Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard contains sensors and peripherals demonstrating some of the BGM111's many capabilities. The kit provides all necessary tools for developing a Silicon Labs wireless application.


  • Ethernet and USB connectivity
  • SEGGER J-Link on-board debugger
  • Supports debugging the attached radioboard or an external device
  • Silicon Labs' Si7021 Relative Humidity andTemperature sensor
  • Ultra low power 128x128 pixel MemoryLCD
  • User LEDs / Pushbuttons
  • 20-pin 2.54 mm header for expansionboards
  • Breakout pads for direct access to radioboard I/O pins
  • Power sources include USB and CR2032coin cell.BRD4300A RADIO BOARD


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesλDom typ.
Emitting ColorλPeak typ.
IV typ.
VF typ.
Chip Technology50% typ.
Operation Force (Value)
Electrical Life
Actuator ColorVaporphase processPins (Value)RowsGenderTypeIR
Packaging Samples
25 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 590 Yellow 595 120 2 AlInGaP 140 0.7 Tape and Reel
6 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WR-PHD 2.54 mm PCB Socket Header - SMT Type - Double Row - Right Angle 20 Dual Socket Header Angled 3 Tape and Reel
5 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WS-TASV SMT Tact Switch 6x6 mm 4.3 160 1000000 Black not specified 0.05 Tape and Reel
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesλDom typ.
Emitting ColorλPeak typ.
IV typ.
VF typ.
Chip Technology50% typ.
Operation Force (Value)
Electrical Life
Actuator ColorVaporphase processPins (Value)RowsGenderTypeIR
Packaging Samples