IC manufacturers STMicroelectronics

IC manufacturers (97)

STMicroelectronics L5980

0.7 A step-down switching regulator


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage3.3-18 V
Switching frequency250-1000 kHz
Output 13.3 V / 0.7 A
IC revision7


The L5980 is a step-down switching regulator with a 1 A (min.) current limited embedded Power MOSFET, so it is able to deliver in excess of 0.7 ADC current to the load depending on the application condition.

The input voltage can range from 2.9 V to 18 V, while the output voltage can be set starting from 0.6 V to VIN. Having a minimum input voltage of2.9 V, the device is suitable also for a 3.3 V bus.

Requiring a minimum set of external components, the device includes an internal 250 kHz switching frequency oscillator that can be externallyadjusted up to 1 MHz.

The VFQFPN8 package with an exposed pad allows reducing the RthJA down to approximately 60 °C/W.


  • 0.7 A DC output current
  • 2.9 V to 18 V input voltage
  • Output voltage adjustable from 0.6 V
  • 250 kHz switching frequency, programmable up to 1 MHz
  • Internal soft-start and inhibit
  • Low dropout operation: 100% duty cycle
  • Voltage feedforward
  • Zero load current operation
  • Overcurrent and thermal protection
  • VFQFPN8 3 x 3 mm package


  • Suggested inductor values ranges is also given in table 7. from page number 16.
  • 45uH inductor value is added from design example, refer page number 16.
  • Output current to be taken from general value. i.e 0.7A
  • Some of the Product and series to be added nearest inductor values rangesREMARKS:-TABLE 7

Typical applications

  • Networking: XDSL, modems, DC-DC modules
  • Consumer: STB, DVD, DVD recorder, car
  • LED driving
  • Computer: optical storage, hard disk drive,
  • Industrial: chargers, PLD, PLA, FPGA


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
RDC max.
SizeVersion Samples
8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-PD SMT Power Inductor 15 2.8 2.2 81 19.5 7345 Robust
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads Status Product seriesL
RDC max.
SizeVersion Samples