IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments MCF8316A | Demoboard MCF8316AEVM

MCF8316A three-phase sensorless FOC BLDC motor driver evaluation module


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage4.5-35 V
Output 18 A


MCF8316A is a three half-H-bridge integrated MOSFET driver for sensorless FOC control of a three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motor for 4.5-V to 35-V, 8-A Peak current drive. The MCx8316A integrates a buck regulator that can support 200-mA with programmable regulated supply. Includes an on-board MSP430, MSP430FR2355, which is used to interface with the MCF8316AEVM GUI.


GUI available with full configuration & controlSensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC)4.5-V to 35-V operation with 8-A peak current drive95 mΩ (high-side plus low-side) integrated MOSFETsOn-board MSP430 handles connectivity with the PC & GUI

Typical applications

  • Medical CPAP Blowers
  • Air Purifiers and Humidifier Fans
  • Washer and Dishwashers Pumps
  • Automotive Fan and Blowers
  • Brushless-DC (BLDC) Motor Modules
  • Residential and Living Fans
