IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments TPS54531DDA

TPS54531 5-A, 28-V Input, Step-Down SWIFT™ DC-DC Converter With Eco-mode™


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage8-28 V
Switching frequency456-684 kHz
Output 15 V / 5 A
IC revisionA


The TPS54531 is a 28-V, 5-A non-synchronous buck converter that integrates a low RDS(on) high side MOSFET. To increase efficiency at light loads, apulse skipping Eco-mode™ feature is automatically activated. Furthermore, the 1 μA shutdown supply current allows the device to be used in batterypowered applications. Current mode control with internal slope compensation simplifies the external compensation calculations and reduces component count while allowing the use of ceramic output capacitors. A resistor divider programs the hysteresis of the input under-voltage lockout. An overvoltage transient protection circuit limits voltage overshootsduring startup and transient conditions. A cycle by cycle current limit scheme, frequency fold back and thermal shutdown protect the device and the load in the event of an overload condition. The TPS54531 is available in 8-pin SOIC PowerPADTM package that have been internally optimized to improve thermal performance.


  • 3.5V to 28V Input Voltage Range
  • Adjustable Output Voltage Down to 0.8V
  • Integrated 80 m ohm High Side MOSFET Supports up to 5A Continuous Output Current
  • High Efficiency at Light Loads with a Pulse Skipping Eco-mode™
  • Fixed 570kHz Switching Frequency
  • Typical 1µA Shutdown Quiescent Current
  • Adjustable Slow Start Limits Inrush Currents
  • Programmable UVLO Threshold
  • Overvoltage Transient Protection
  • Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit, Frequency Fold Back and Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • Available in Easy-to-Use Thermally Enhanced SOIC8 PowerPADTM Package

Typical applications

  • Consumer Applications such as Set-Top Boxes, CPE Equipment, LCD Displays, Peripherals and Battery Chargers
  • Industrial and Car Audio Power Supplies
  • 5V, 12V and 24V Distributed Power Systems


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8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-LHMI SMT Power Inductor 4.7 9.4 11.7 26 15.5 16 SMT
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation
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