IC manufacturers Texas Instruments

IC manufacturers (98)

Texas Instruments TPS560430-Q1 | Demoboard TPS560430-Q1 Evaluation Module

SIMPLE SWITCHER® 4-V to 36-V, 600-mA Synchronous Step-Down Converter


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage7.5-36 V
Switching frequency1200-2100 kHz
Output 15 V / 0.6 A
IC revisionAugust 2018


The TPS560430 is an easy to use synchronous stepdownDC-DC converter capable of driving up to 600-mA load current. With a wide input range of 4 V to 36 V, the device is suitable for a wide range of applications from industrial to automotive for power conditioning from an unregulated source.The TPS560430 has 1.1-MHz and 2.1-MHz operatingfrequency versions for either high efficiency or small solution size. The TPS560430 also has FPWM (forced PWM) version to achieve constant frequency and small output voltage ripple over the full load range. Soft-start and compensation circuits are implemented internally which allows the device to beused with minimum external components.The device has built-in protection features, such ascycle-by-cycle current limit, hiccup mode short-circuit protection, and thermal shutdown in case of excessive power dissipation. The TPS560430 is available in SOT-23-6 package.


  • Configured for Rugged Industrial Applications– Input Voltage Range: 4 V to 36 V– 600-mA Continuous Output Current– Minimum Switching-On Time: 60 ns– 98% Maximum Duty Cycle– Support Startup with Pre-Biased Output– Short Circuit Protection with Hiccup Mode– ±1.5% Tolerance Voltage Reference over Temperature from –40°C to 125°C– Precision Enable
  • Small Solution Size and Ease of Use– Integrated Synchronous Rectification– Internal Compensation for Ease of Use– SOT-23-6 Package
  • Various Options in Pin-to-Pin Compatible Package– 1.1-MHz and 2.1-MHz Frequency Options– PFM and Forced PWM (FPWM) Options– Fixed 3.3-V Output Option

Typical applications

  • General Purpose Wide VIN Power Supplies
  • Grid Infrastructure: Advanced Metering Infrastructure / Motor Drive: AC Inverters, VF Drives, Servos, / Factory and Building Automation: PLC, Industrial
  • Aftermarket Automotive: Camera


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